
安纳波利斯, 医学博士-今日, 十大赌博正规老平台 welcomed four new members to their board of directors: 阿斯特丽德卡尔达斯, 亚当Gronski, 艾娃·希弗斯和斯蒂芬妮·沃恩.

"我代表十大赌博正规老平台协会董事会, 我很荣幸地欢迎阿斯特丽德, 亚当, 艾娃和斯蒂芬妮加入我们的队伍,十大赌博正规老平台协会董事会主席斯蒂芬妮·米克斯说. “Each of them brings a wealth of experience and knowledge to help lead the 十大赌博正规老平台 as we work with partners to conserve 30% of the Chesapeake’s lands and waters by 2030.”

“我一生都是一个海湾人, born in Rio de Janeiro along the shores of the Guanabara Bay and now living for almost 30 years in the Chesapeake Bay area, 我很高兴能贡献我的专业知识, 为十大赌博正规老平台协会和它有价值的事业奉献经验和时间, 因此,我们可以为子孙后代保留这一宝贵资源,”卡尔达斯说。.

“I am honored and thrilled to join the 十大赌博正规老平台 board of directors because it combines my passion for the Chesapeake Bay, 有在非营利组织工作和创业的经验. I’m looking forward to working with this inspiring team to carry out the organization’s ambitious mission,格隆斯基说.

“I’m thrilled to contribute to 十大赌博正规老平台’s mission to preserve our local waterways and promote equal access to the Bay. 十大赌博正规老平台 advances the preservation and restoration of the Chesapeake watersheds, 从纽约一直延伸到弗吉尼亚. 这些流域对于提供健康的饮用水至关重要, 保护湾区的生态系统和生物多样性,希弗斯说。. “The data produced by 十大赌博正规老平台 and shared with partners is essential in making impactful decisions and influencing strategies that preserve the Chesapeake watershed for the millions of people who live, 在海湾附近工作和玩耍,哆嗦继续说.

“制定周到而有效的方法来改善环境, social and economic sustainability of the Chesapeake Bay watershed is an extraordinarily complex task. I am deeply impressed with the 十大赌博正规老平台’s focus on using data-driven solutions and technology to advance its mission of conserving and restoring this vital resource. 我很兴奋也很荣幸能加入这个组织。.



阿斯特丽德卡尔达斯 is a senior climate scientist for community resilience at the Union of Concerned Scientists (UCS), 她的工作重点是气候变化适应和科学传播, 对生态系统具有实际的政策意义, 经济和社会——包括公平和公正的适应和恢复力措施. She was born and raised in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, where she started her career as a field ecologist. 搬到美国后, she staged a change that brought her to the arena of climate change science and policy and related issues of climate justice, 生物多样性和可持续性.

在加入UCS之前,Dr. Caldas was a science and technology policy fellow at the American Association for the Advancement of Science, 他是野生动物保护组织的气候变化和野生动物科学研究员, a research scientist at the University of 马里兰 and a professor at the State University of Rio de Janeiro.

卡尔达斯为史密森学会的生物多样性项目提供咨询, served on the Scientific Review Committee at the National Socio-Environmental Synthesis Center and worked in both domestic and international settings. 在她空闲的时候, she enjoys cycling, reading and traveling – and going to a beach on the Bay!



亚当Gronski is the current vice president of corporate marketing and business development at WETA and head of PBS National Sales, WETA的全国销售合作, PBS和其他制作电台. 在他二十多年的公共媒体生涯中, Gronski’s teams have been responsible for over five hundred million dollars in corporate sponsorship support for the public television system.

除了他在PBS系统的工作之外, 格隆斯基经营并管理着新月河, 精品房地产投资, development and management firm that owns and operates properties on the Eastern Shore of 马里兰, 在其他地方. 格隆斯基之前的董事会承诺包括纽约玩偶和玩具博物馆, 阿灵顿, 弗吉尼亚商会, 和使馆系列.

毕业于巴鲁克学院(CUNY), Gronski also holds an MPA from the Graduate School of Political Management at The George Washington University. 他不工作的时候, 你通常可以看到他和他的家人:妻子在一起, (Marni) son (Bennett) and Portuguese waterdog (Bimini) either at their primary residence in Arlington, 或是他们在伊斯顿海边的家, 马里兰.



来自巴尔的摩, 马里兰, 艾娃对社区的承诺, 人员和服务很早就被激发了. 深受她所在城市明显的民族和种族差异的影响, Ava realized the power and necessity of using her voice to speak up for those who have been intentionally and systematically pushed to the margins. 作为四个孩子中最小的, 她早年的经历培养了她的胆量, 勇敢和包容的信念, 多样性和准入, 是什么继续指引着她的个人和职业道路.

作为第一代大学毕业生,艾娃在洛约拉大学获得了学士和工商管理硕士学位. 她有三十多年的工作经验,在恩斯特初入职场 & Young,四大会计师事务所之一. 管理多样化的投资组合, 艾娃获得了法务会计的实践经验, 税务和审计——所有这些她都在后来的制造业岗位上发挥了作用, 建设, 医疗保健和非营利组织. 担任从财务总监到首席财务官的高级领导, Ava has a distinct and varied understanding of what is 要求 to manage finances across industries and has developed a track record of leading through organizational change. As the current senior director of finance and administration for the Student Conservation Association (SCA), 艾娃负责财务运营, supervises three department managers and oversees an annual budget of more than $45 million.

个人和专业, Ava continues to seek out opportunities to serve her community and support those around her. Speak on It的联合创始人, 采取行动, a 马里兰-based non-profit with the explicit goal of raising cultural awareness through education and outreach to improve access and encourage diversity, 艾娃每天都按照自己的价值观生活.

当她离开办公桌的时候, 艾娃喜欢烹饪, 和她的狗一起表演和玩耍, 罗曼和鲁比. She loves the adventure of travel and is passionate about design – so much so that HGTV just might be her “Achilles” heel. 她是当地教堂唱诗班的指挥, 艾娃用她积极的态度来鼓励和激励会众. She finds the parallels between being a choir director and financial director to be uncannily similar. 两者都需要创新, 积极进取的领导, 所有这些都让她保持敏锐,准备好迎接下一个挑战.



斯蒂芬妮·沃恩(斯蒂芬妮·沃恩)是美国银行的一名管理主管.S. 环境保护局的超级基金项目, 监督调查, 清理和重建高度复杂的场地. 20多年了, 斯蒂芬妮积极地与社区成员合作, 地方和州政府, federal partner agencies and private corporations with a goal of finding efficient and effective ways based on sound science to address risks to human health and the environment at sites throughout EPA Region 2, 包括纽约, 新泽西, 波多黎各和维尔京群岛.

斯蒂芬妮对帮助恢复该地区的水道特别感兴趣, which run through some of the most heavily industrialized and densely populated areas in the country, 让它们再次成为周边社区的宝贵资产. She also enjoys engaging with students of all ages about environmental issues that are relevant to them and speaks regularly at schools in New York and 新泽西.

She holds a BS in environmental engineering from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology as well as a MS degree in civil and environmental engineering from MIT, 重点是水文建模. 斯蒂芬妮和她的家人住在纽约市,她在那里出生和长大. 在她空闲的时候, 她喜欢滑雪。, 烹饪, 尽可能频繁地外出旅行或以其他方式离开城市.
